3 Simple Study Tips to Pass Your Classes
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I am currently a freshman in college and am trying to figure out whether I should add a minor along with my major and if it would help me in the long run?
-From College Majors and Minors
Dear College Majors and Minors,
Congratulations on choosing a major! That can be a complex part of the college process. I did not decide on my sociology major until my sophomore year after I took a few sociology courses and decided that I really enjoyed it. While I was taking the courses, I also noticed that women’s studies complimented my major very well so that is how I choose my minor.
I believe adding a minor would be a good idea because it will be a secondary area of study and additional concentration that can enhance your total educational experience. Aside from being a resume builder, a minor can also become an added area of expertise that you can utilize to market yourself in the work world. A minor can be used to enhance the value of your major or even broaden the scope of its focus. It can also be a foundation for a second degree if you choose to further your education.
I suggest you find out what options your college/university offers and make an appointment to speak with your counselor to make a more informed decision about your minor. In my experience, some of the courses I took were requirements for both my major and my minor, which made it easier to complete both. I also felt less pressure in those courses since they really honed in on an area in which I was most passionate about.
Good luck on choosing your minor!
From Dr. Syl.
P.S.- If you have any questions you would like answered, please submit them here. Stay tuned for the next segment of Ask Dr. Syl every 15th of the month!!