3 Simple Study Tips to Pass Your Classes
If you’ve been reading this for a while, you know..
Continue ReadingDear Jenny,
As the 25 year old version of yourself, I would like to tell you some things as you embark on your first year of college. What I am about to tell you are things that would really help you navigate through the rest of your college years. Perhaps, even, save you some time, money, headaches, and a whole lot of tears. So here goes…
I know that it is easier said than done, but if you keep these things in mind as you navigate through college it will be worth it. Don’t beat yourself up for the mistakes you will make, they are opportunities to learn. Never regret anything because everything happens for a reason. Everything you will go through will help you grow as a person. Learn the lessons the first time so that you will not go through the same thing more than once. It is exhausting when you do. Remember than you can do all things through God, who strengthens you. Now go and conquer the world!
25-year old Jennifer